Half-Face Mask

$ 80.00 $ 100.00

In Tibetan culture, masks are very similar to mirrors - as long as you look into them, you will find some of your life experiences. Some people may also keep them as decorations. Mask dances are very important in Tibetan culture, and in the main temple you always see a mask representing a deity on the altar.

Tibetan masks are always made in the image of deities, and can help your recognition of how the deity looks. Sometimes a deity or invisible helper will come in a different style to help you, and if you are familiar with masks, then you won’t hesitate when they come. You will easily connect with them and find out something about yourself in a familiar and comforting way.


Beautifully carved from wood with several sizes to choose from:

Large:  12”    Cost: $ 350.00

Medium: 8”   Cost: $ 200.00

Small:     6”   Cost: $ 80.00